If an individual is unable to work because of a disability such as a debilitating injury or illness, it may be worth hiring an attorney if the Social Security Administration (SSA) denies a disability claim. However, many applicants may worry about whether they can afford to hire a disability lawyer. Unfortunately, most people who apply for Read More
January 2020
If You Have a Drug Addiction, You May Still Qualify for SSDI
While individuals can’t actually get disability benefits specifically for a drug addiction, they may qualify for Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) if they are currently addicted to drugs or had a previous addiction. Qualifying for Disability with a Drug Addiction Drug addiction can significantly impair a person’s ability to perform work Read More
How Long Can I Be Off Work and Still Collect Disability?
If an individual is currently unable to work and disabled, he or she may be able to receive disability benefits while out of work. Disability benefits received from the Social Security Administration (SSA) can help cover the many expenses associated with a disability, including medical bills and other daily costs. Depending on the applicant’s situation, Read More