February 2020

Glossary of Terms Used in Disability Cases

When applying for Social Security disability, the process can be difficult to follow, especially with the number of terms that applicants are likely to come across at some point. The following brief glossary of terms used in disability cases can give applicants a better understanding of some of the elements involved. Substantial Gainful Activity To Read More

Timeline for a Disability Claim

The social security disability claims process can be a challenge to get through in many cases, and determining the timeline is also often difficult. While the steps taken to apply for both Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are essentially identical, the specific steps that individuals need to take will vary from Read More

Over 65? You May Still Qualify for Disability

Disabled individuals who are unable to work but over the age of 65 may still be eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits. In some cases, older individuals may be unable to continue working because of a disability, but they’re not ready to begin collecting Social Security retirement benefits. Under these circumstances, individuals may be Read More