Social Security Disability

How to Increase My SSDI Benefits

What are ways to increase my SSDI benefits? Social Security Disability Insurance benefit payments are based on your earnings record, so increasing your SSDI benefits can be challenging. Strategies that might help include reviewing your SSA earnings record for accuracy, working below the SGA limits (to increase your lifetime earnings), and applying for additional benefits like SSI or state disability programs. Your benefits might also increase annually on their own, through COLA.

What Is the SSDI Definition of Disability?

The definition of disability applies to SSDI and SSI benefits, but the eligibility requirements are different. Eligibility for SSDI benefits requires work history, work credits, and paid Social Security taxes. SSI benefits are for low-income individuals without a work history who are not eligible to apply for SSDI benefits.

Can You Apply for SSDI Online?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has strict filing requirements for disability benefits whether you apply for SSDI online, by mail, by phone, or in person at a local field office in Chicago. If you do not submit the required information, or you submit your application with incorrect information, your claim for disability benefits will be delayed or denied.

Are There Age Restrictions for Applying for SSDI Benefits?

Are there age restrictions for applying for SSDI benefits? SSDI benefits are available to persons with disabilities who have earned sufficient work credits, regardless of age. While age is not a factor in determining eligibility for SSDI benefits, applicants must meet other eligibility requirements. Age may qualify individuals who are unable to work for other benefit programs, such as SSI benefits.

How Long Does It Take to Receive a Decision After Applying for SSDI?

Applying for SSDI can be a complicated and lengthy process due to state and federal filing requirements, eligibility for benefits, mandatory waiting times, and denied claims. Once you have applied, it takes about 90 days to receive a decision from the Social Security Administration whether your claim is accepted or denied.

Can an Attorney Help With Obtaining SSDI Back Pay?

Filing a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance is a complicated process due to strict federal regulations and a lengthy approval process. Many disability applicants experience denied claims, mandatory waiting periods, and accrued SSDI back pay, which often create financial hardship for the applicant and family members.

Are There Deadlines for Hiring an SSDI Attorney After a Disability Claim Denial?

Many Social Security disability claims are denied by the Social Security Administration due to missing or incorrect information and lack of proper evidence. If your claim results in a disability claim denial, you have 60 days from your denial notification date to hire a SSDI attorney and file an appeal with the Social Security Administration.

How to Find a Good Disability Lawyer

Social Security disability claims are complicated and lengthy due to the federal regulations imposed by the Social Security Administration and the paperwork that is required to show proof of a disability. To simplify the filing process and increase your chances of claim approval, it’s important to know how to find a good disability lawyer who has experience with Social Security disability claims.

How Can an SSDI Attorney Help With the Application Process for Disability Benefits?

During the application process for disability benefits, the Social Security Administration has strict regulations that must be met, or your claim can be denied. Working with an experienced disability lawyer who can oversee the application process will ensure that all filing requirements are met and that your claim has a higher rate of approval.

What Types of Cases Do SSDI Attorneys Handle?

SSDI attorneys handle a variety of cases pertaining to disability benefits and claim denials. In Illinois, a person who develops a disability caused by some type of illness or injury is entitled to file a claim for disability benefits through two federal programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Both programs provide assistance to people with disabilities, but they have different qualification requirements for approval.