Understanding the Social Security Disability Claims Illinois Process

The process of filing for Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance can be a highly confusing, frustrating and time consuming event. Along with the complex filing requirements and federal laws, the painstaking process to compile necessary medical records and other evidence can be quite daunting. It’s imperative to understand how the Social Security disability claims Illinois process works.

Social Security Disability Requirements – Illinois

Should you have any type of impairment or disability that limits your abilities for taking care of yourself and perhaps your family, it’s imperative to let a qualified attorney take care of any hassles during the application process. Our law firm takes great pride helping people that face difficult challenges. We practice all forms of Social Security cases and have vast experience and skill.

Hiring a Social Security Disability Lawyer Illinois

Recent studies have shown that those without legal representation are far more likely not to receive Social Security Disability benefits and income. Although many people find it hard to believe, the Social Security administration denies the majority of all initial applications to receive benefits. Therefore, many individuals will choose not to appeal and eventually give up unnecessarily.

Avoiding Defective Social Security Lawyers Illinois

Our dedicated team is aggressive and will pursue your disability claim with passion. We help our clients throughout the initial applications and if necessary, any appeals if the application is denied. When the claimant is denied during the reconsideration stage, we will file again to request a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge.

Contact Social Security Disability Claim Illinois Professionals

It’s imperative to make certain you have the right lawyers working hard on your side. Contact one of our skilled social security disability attorneys at (872) 529-9377 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your social security disability claim.


Our Location

Ankin Law

10 N Dearborn, Suite 500
Chicago, Illinois 60602

(872) 529-9377