There are several myths about SSDI that are in circulation. Recognizing the five most-common and why they are wrong can improve a claimant’s chances of obtaining benefits.

1. Initial Applications Will Always Be Denie

Around 30 percent of first-time SSDI applications are approved. While the Social Security Administration (SSA) denies the majority of initial applications, incorrect or incomplete information is often to blame.

The application process entails a lot of time, planning, and documentation prior to submitting the application. Even small errors can result in denial. Social Security disability lawyers often help claimants ensure their applications are completed correctly the first time, improving the chance for approval.

2. Social Security Disability Will Replace Earned Income

SSDI is a long-term program but it isn’t intended to replace all of an individual’s income indefinitely. The program is designed to help claimants make ends meet while they improve their conditions so they can return to work once they’ve recovered. most applicants receive between $700 and $1,700 each month.

3. If a Doctor Says It’s a Disability, Benefits Will Be Awarded

A doctor may declare that a patient is disabled, but this doesn’t always mean that the patient will qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. A doctor’s definition of disability differs from the SSA’s. According to the SSA, a disability is a condition that prevents an individual from participating in Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), is expected to result in the person’s death, or is expected to last for no less than 12 months.

4. SSDI Lasts a Lifetime

While SSDI is a long-term program, benefits may be discontinued under certain circumstances. When the recipient’s medical condition improves to the point where it’s possible to return to work or the claimant begins performing SGA, benefits can end.

5. Drug Users Won’t Qualify

Drug and alcohol use is another common concern among applicants, but if a disability is unrelated to an individual’s substance use and the condition won’t improve regardless of drug or alcohol use, the applicant may still qualify for SSDI.

These are some of the most common myths out there regarding SSDI. Knowing the reality behind them can give applicants a better understanding of what to expect.