A workplace injury could cause workers to miss more than a year of work. Whenever an injury occurs that puts someone out of work for a year or more, that person generally qualifies for Social Security disability benefits. Many factors could affect Social Security benefits. Social Security disability attorneys can help claimants navigate the claims process and build a successful claim.
Social Security Disability Benefits Explained
The general formula for determining Social Security disability benefits is based on a worker’s individual earnings for jobs that contribute to the Social Security fund. The benefits payments do not fully pay for the lost wages due to workplace injuries or other causes.
Most recipients receive between about half and three-quarters of their weekly pay. The amount is reduced partly to reflect the fact that the worker does not have to go back and forth to the workplace, supply lunch, or buy any special work gear while disabled. The reduced weekly payment amount makes it important for victims to obtain a maximum benefit as soon as possible to prevent a significant decrease in the quality of living. Long term disability lawyers help clients to recoup fair earnings in their disability claims.
Early Filings Get Paid Sooner
As soon as a medical diagnosis says an injured worker will miss at least a year of work, that worker could qualify for a Social Security disability benefit. A disabled worker does not have to wait an entire year to file for Social Security disability benefits.
As soon as the medical diagnosis is made from a licensed and qualified doctor, that diagnosis is the basis for an immediate filing seeking a disability benefit from Social Security. The amount of the benefit will be based on a worker’s earnings and the amount of taxes paid for Social Security insurance protection.
Challenging a Social Security Disability Benefits Denial
Social Security disability benefits could be denied for many reasons. The denial might be based on work history and taxes paid. It also might be based on the nature of the disability and medical diagnosis. No matter why a disability benefit gets denied, the worker always has the right to challenge the decision.
When Social Security disability benefits are denied, workers have a right to know the reasons. If those reasons are unsound, a long term disability attorney in Chicago could help clients to navigate the process to overturn disability benefits denials.