Chicago Cerebral Palsy Attorneys
Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyers
Cerebral palsy is a broad term used to describe loss or impairment of motor function, such as sensation, muscle control, head control, walking, muscle tone, coordination, balance and cognitive functioning. Cerebral palsy is typically the result of a brain injury suffered during childbirth. Symptoms of cerebral palsy include poor motor skills, balance problems, poor coordination, seizures and hypertonic or hypotonic muscle control. If your child displays some or all of these symptoms, you should consult a medical professional to obtain a diagnosis.
Decreased oxygen or blood flow to the baby’s brain prior to birth can also cause cerebral palsy. Because brain injuries during delivery are rare, it is usually the result of medical negligence. If your child suffers from cerebral palsy, you may be entitled to compensation through a medical malpractice lawsuit. Additionally, you may be entitled to receive social security disability benefits.
The experienced Chicago social security disability benefits attorneys at Ankin Law focus on helping families receive social security disability benefits if a family member suffers from cerebral palsy. Contact one of our skilled social security disability benefits attorneys at (872) 529-9377 to schedule a free consultation to discuss social security benefits for your child.
Social Security Disability Benefits for Children
Social security disability programs are available for children who suffer from cerebral palsy if they meet the qualifying conditions of the Social Security Administration (SSA). In order to apply for social security disability benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you will need to provide detailed information about your child’s medical condition and its affect on the child’s ability to function in daily life. The SSA will likely ask for permission to contact your child’s doctors, teachers and therapists to obtain information on your child’s cerebral palsy.
Supplemental Security Income
Your child will be entitled to receive SSI if he or she meets the SSA’s qualify medical condition and falls below the income and resources limits. Once your child begins receiving SSI benefits, the SSA will review your child’s medical condition periodically to determine if he or she is still eligible for SSI benefits. For instance, children that are younger than 18 with medical conditions that are expected to improve are reevaluated every 3 years.
Compassionate Legal Advice
If your child suffers from cerebral palsy, you are likely concerned about your child’s health and well-being, in addition to financial preoccupations with respect to necessary medical treatment. At Ankin Law, our compassionate and knowledgeable Chicago social security disability attorneys at Ankin Law focus on helping family members with cerebral palsy obtain the appropriate social security disability benefits. If your child suffers from cerebral palsy, contact us at (872) 529-9377 to schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled Chicago social security disability attorneys.