Search Results: work

Working and Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits

As with any government benefit program, there are many myths surrounding social security disability insurance. One of the most common misconceptions is that recipients of disability benefits are not allowed to work. While a high-paying full-time position is out of the question for a disability benefit recipient, working part-time might still be an option. SSDI Read More

How do you fill out the work history on your SSD application?

A Social Security lawyer can assist applicants People seeking Social Security Disability benefits must provide both medical and employment information in their applications. Many people in Illinois may view submitting work history and related information as a secondary concern. However, as any Social Security lawyer can confirm, this information may determine the outcome of a Read More

How does the ADA work with SSD benefits?

Claims under both systems may be acceptable Many people who live with disabilities in Illinois struggle to perform their jobs. If employers don’t offer reasonable accommodations, these employees may claim discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act. If a disability prevents gainful employment, employees may also seek Social Security Disability benefits. These claims may seem Read More

Applying for disability after a work-related injury

A Chicago Social Security attorney can help injured workers Work-related injuries are a significant cause of disability in America, as any Chicago Social Security attorney knows firsthand. Some injuries result directly in disablement, while others contribute to gradual declines in functional ability. One report from the Office of Retirement and Disability Policy indicates that a Read More

SSA offers Social Security Disability work programs

Incentives for beneficiaries to return to work Many Social Security Disability benefit recipients believe they will immediately lose their benefits if they return to work. However, as most Social Security lawyers in Chicago know, the Social Security Administration offers beneficiaries various work programs. These programs encourage beneficiaries to resume work by giving them access to Read More

SSD Application: Tips on gathering your work history

Professional assistance Many people seeking Social Security Disability benefits in Illinois know they must support their claims with ample medical documentation. However, many of these people overlook the importance of providing a detailed work history. An attorney Social Security professional can explain that the Social Security Administration examines the disability and the way it affects Read More

Why Can’t You Work?

Back Injury and Problems Breathing Problems Mental and Emotional Problems Syndromes Muscle and Bone Impairments Digestive Problems Heart and Blood Vessel Disorders Kidney and Glandular Conditions Neurological and Central Nervous System Disorders Hearing and Vision Problems Chicago Social Security Disability Lawyers Illinois Supplemental Security Income Attorneys Welcome to our Chicago, Illinois law firm. For over[…]

Part-time Work and Disabilities

Chicago Social Security Disability Attorneys Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyers Part-time employment does not automatically disqualify a person from receiving social security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) considers each case individually and will consider the number of hours worked and the pay earned in order to determine whether a person has a qualifying[…]

How Long Does It Take to Receive a Decision After Applying for SSDI?

Applying for SSDI can be a complicated and lengthy process due to state and federal filing requirements, eligibility for benefits, mandatory waiting times, and denied claims. Once you have applied, it takes about 90 days to receive a decision from the Social Security Administration whether your claim is accepted or denied.

Can an Attorney Help With Obtaining SSDI Back Pay?

Filing a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance is a complicated process due to strict federal regulations and a lengthy approval process. Many disability applicants experience denied claims, mandatory waiting periods, and accrued SSDI back pay, which often create financial hardship for the applicant and family members.