Chicago Orthopedic Injury Attorneys
Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyers
Orthopedic injuries involve any type of injury to the muscle, joints, or bones. Orthopedic injuries frequently affect the ankles, wrists, shoulders and hips. Treatment for orthopedic injuries typically involves pain medication and physical therapy. In case cases, surgery may be an option to treat the injury, such as hip replacement surgery or back surgery. If you suffer from an orthopedic injury and are unable to work as a result of your injury, you may be entitled to social security disability benefits. Contact the skilled Chicago social security disability law firm of Ankin Law at (872) 529-9377 to learn more about possible social security benefits for your orthopedic injury.
If you suffer from an orthopedic injury and are unable to work as a result, you may be eligible for social security disability benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). In order to qualify for either SSDI or SSI, a person must be unable to engage in substantial gainful activity as a result of a medical condition that has lasted or is expected to last for at least 12 months or is expected to result in death. SSI benefits are available to applicants who fall below certain financial thresholds. SSDI does not have any financial requirements, but an applicant must have earned enough “work credits” through prior to becoming disabled.
Information Needed for a Social Security Disability Claim on an Orthopedic Injury
Depending on the type of orthopedic injury involved, there may or may not be a category in the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) “Listing of Impairments” that governs the criteria for determining eligibility of the medical condition. Many times, however, there is no specific category in the “Listing of Impairments” so an applicant will need to show that he or she is eligible for social security disability benefits based on reduced residual functional capacity and the medical vocational allowance, which takes into account factors such as age, work skills, education, and functional limitations.
A skilled Illinois social security disability attorney like those at Ankin Law can help you prepare your social security disability application to ensure that the adequate amount of medical and vocational information is included in the application to allow the SSA to properly evaluate your claim. After thoroughly explaining the social security disability laws to you, we will take the time to learn about your specific orthopedic injury and the effect that it has had on your daily life and employment abilities. Contact one of the trusted social security disability attorneys at Ankin Law at (872) 529-9377 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your orthopedic injury and learn more about social security disability benefits.